Sumatra – Microlot – Dimas Victor – Aceh – Gayo – Washed


10 in stock


SKU: SB21656 Category:



Microlots from Sumatra are most commonly traceable to the mill level, but occasionally traceable to the producer. Because of the generally small size of farms in Sumatra, most produers’ coffee is blended together with that of other smallholders. Microlot coffees not only have more traceability than those blended lots, but also achieve the highest quality and are rewarded with the highest prices.

Dimas Victor

This 1 hectare farm is owned and operated by Dimas Victor in the Takengon village. The coffee trees on this farm are fairly young, planted in 2015 and Dimas also grows Banana, Citrus, Avocado, and Lamtoro on the property. It is very rare for coffees to be sold as individual farmer lots from this region and Dimas mentioned to green buyer Piero Cristiani that he is honored to be highlighted as a microlot and has great hopes for his farm in the future. 

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs