Costa Rica – Cascara


Costa Rica – Cascara C14318



Costa Rica


Llano Bonito de Naranjo


Santa Lucía and Anonons


Caturra, Catuai, Villalobos


1700 masl


"Sweet with tangy apple cider like acidity and flavors of raspberry, prune and golden raisin."


$11.39 per lb

$100.50 per 4 KG box

Out of stock


"Cascara" means "husk" in Spanish, and is the word used to describe the dried pulp of the coffee cherry once it is removed from the seed, which is sometimes used to make a kind of tea-like infusion. The flavorof the drink that cascara makes is rather unique: a little floral, a little fruity, and a little pulpy or raisiny.

This cascara comes from coffees harvested at two farms in Llano Bonito de Naranjo, which were processed at the Helsar Micromill in collaboration with the University of Costa Rica. While most cascara that is on the market has not been commercially produced (and therefore can contain high quantities of debris, contaminants, foreign matter, and chemicals), this coffee was selected specifically for processing this way: The cherry pulp was collected, washed, pasteurized, and dried using food-grade technology and to particular standards. Organic testing on this lot of cascara has proved it to be clean and safe to use.

For more information about coffee production in Costa, Rica, visit ourCosta Rica page.