Community Select
Part of our stratified buying approach, these community select lots are mostly larger lots of coffee with an elevated profile above our signature coffees. Generally these are blended lots from various producers from a single community in a specific coffee growing region in the world. These lots offer an increased level of traceability and often are a result of small-holder producers banding together in an official or unofficial structure to sell their coffees together. Café Imports is able to blend specific day lots to create a desired profile working closely with these farmers.
Coffee was first cultivated in Cerrado in the 1970s by farmers from Parana? and Sa?o Paulo. Through a technique that corrects soil acidity (liming) and irrigation, large-scale cultivation has become possible. The region has around 4500 farmers cultivating a combined area of 210,000ha. The Cerrado presents a dry climate during the harvest period, which causes the coffee to suffer less from humidity after harvesting, allowing for a consistent drying process.
The region, which covers 55 municipalities in total, achieved the Denomination of Origin in 2013 and was the first region in the country to receive this recognition.